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Ground wire group resistance tester
Product model:
Classification:Group resistance tester for grounding wire
Product time:2021-06-24
Describe:In the power system, the portable short-circuit grounding wire and personal protective grounding wire play a vital
In the power system, the portable short-circuit grounding wire and personal protective grounding wire play a vital role in preventing sudden calls from electrical equipment and lines, eliminating induced voltages and draining residual charges. In order to prevent unqualified grounding wires from entering the power system, our company has developed a "Grounding Wire" in accordance with the "Technical Standards for Portable Short-Circuit Grounding Wires" and the latest "Preventive Test Procedures for Electrical Safety Tools and Appliances" issued and implemented by the State Power Corporation. Group resistance tester" provides services for the power system to complete necessary product preventive experiments.