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Dry air generator
Product model:2M-通
Classification:Dry air generator
Product time:2021-06-21
Describe:1 Product introduction Dry air generator, designed to provide high-purity dry air with a dew point of -40℃~-
1. Product introduction
    Dry air generator, designed to provide high-purity dry air with a dew point of -40℃~-70℃ during installation and maintenance of large power equipment such as transformers and reactors, which can replace traditional hot oil circulation, nitrogen supplementation, vacuuming, etc. Drying method is more efficient, economical, safer and environmentally friendly. It comprehensively utilizes the respective advantages of refrigeration dryers, suction dryers, coalescing oil-water separation, and ultra-precision filtration, scientifically combines three drying and purification processes such as freezing, adsorption, and filtration, and uses reasonable pipeline connections and capacity matching. , So as to achieve the best economic operation and produce high-quality dry air with low dew point. And integrated design, PLC automatic control, automatic detection of various operating parameters, compact and reasonable structure, good drying effect, low regeneration gas consumption, long working life, good composite desiccant use effect, and three times longer life than ordinary adsorbents above. Using microcomputer program control, high efficiency, energy saving, safe and reliable.
2. Working principle
    The atmosphere enters the air storage tank through the air compressor, most of the water is compressed and liquefied and discharged through the drain valve, and the air is dried for the first time; then it enters the refrigerated dryer, the water vapor is condensed into water, and the air is dried for the second time; Enter the adsorption dryer for the third drying, absorb the remaining trace moisture, and finally pass through the high-precision air filter to the equipment that needs dry gas.